Here are just a few of the reasons why "EVERYONE" on Stanwell Moor should back the WPOZ Campaign.
The truth is Stanwell Moor residents should have been compensated decades ago. However knowing what we know now should Heathrow expansion go ahead we will have a giant building site in our village field, we will have a six-lane motorway metres from our homes, we'll have a polluted water treatment facility in the heart of our village, we will lose 25% of our greenbelt and we'll have a 50,000 space multi-storey car park next door to us. We will have more flights, - more pollution, - more noise, - more traffic and we'll be surrounded by Heathrow airport developments for the next 30-years. We need compensation for those who want to leave as well as those who are going to stay.
Wider Property Offer Zone [WPOZ] is a compensation package that Heathrow has announced for communities that have never been affected by the airport should a third runway go ahead. However as yet they have not included the village most seriously affected for decades by airport blight on a daily basis. We are fighting for Stanwell Moor to be included in the WPOZ.
Yes we can. We already have (see yellow lines and hgvs agreement below) however we had to do this under our own steam, this does not form part of any compensation scheme. For too long airport taxis, holiday parkers and large trucks clogged our village roads. We want less low flying aircraft, less aircraft pollution, less noise and fair compensation that WPOZ inclusion provides.
SUCCESS: - I fought for three years as your Residents Association Chairman and then as your Local Councillor and in 2021, I was successful in having double yellow lines installed along Horton Road and Spout Lane. Almost overnight got rid of hundreds of vehicles and resolving a situation that presented a daily danger will probably be my legacy to the village. While we still have some issues mainly with parking firms try to take advantage, it is now nothing like what we had to suffer previously.
SUCCESS: - After various meetings with Nicky Morris the owner of Morris's Yard (aka) Oakleaf Farm, we agreed that she would instruct all drivers coming into the facility to come in from the A3044 and not from the M25 or Spout Lane. This too over the last couple of years has been very successful and we've seen a huge drop in heavy goods vehicles driving through the village. We also agreed a new entry to the facility from the A3044, which is still with planning. Although it does happen from time to time, again it is nothing like the blight it used to be.
Spelthorne Borough Council now supports us and is demanding that Heathrow include us in the WPOZ or they will not support Heathrow Airports third runway expansion. It was something I was determined to reinforce as your elected representative particularly for Stanwell Moor!
Our previous Westminster MP Kwasi Kwarteng fully supported us and at various meetings he informed me of his confidence regarding Stanwell Moor's case for inclusion into the WPOZ. I believe our new MP shares this view and I will be in contact with Lincoln Jopp in the near future for his support in this matter.
We want parity with other villages affected by the airport Including a compensation package that is being offered to home owners who want to leave. Heathrow is offering and is duty bound by the Government to purchase properties at 25% over market value for those home owners who now wish to leave now and those who wish to leave the area in the future and purchase elsewhere.
The same compensation as other Heathrow villages, including better services, community facilities, free noise insulation, double glazing, better connectivity and transport links to and from the airport.
YES - Spelthorne Council has withdrawn its support for Heathrow's expansion unless Stanwell Moor is included.
We proved we we deserved inclusion. We were told Stanwell Moor would be included then HAL reneged on that and a Director at the airport lost his job. Stanwell was 'the real issue' and it was a matter of cost when it came down to it. It was not what was right and what is wrong.
Additional airport expansion costs. Stanwell Moor has approximately 500 homes. Stanwell is 10 times larger. If you assume the cost to compensate Stanwell Moor is £41m and you multiply by a factor of only (4) rather than (10) then the math even at this lower scale begins to speak for itself.
NO - Our campaign does not include Stanwell. The campaign going forward is solely to secure WPOZ inclusion for Stanwell Moor and its residents.
Very little, as more proof come into the public domain and this is being worked on at this time. Things that could stop us are (1) We stop campaigning for what we deserve and are long-overdue. (2) We accept offers like windows and doors at this time. These are things that Heathrow will be obligated to offer to us in the future as part of any successful airport expansion deal.
New taxiways WILL create 'new noise' for us and building a noise barrier will NOT mitigate this and Heathrow knows this is the case. The latest offer of windows and doors from HAL is a cynical attempt to buy our favour, it is quite simply a bribe to stop anyone objecting to their new taxiway planning application. Heathrow know that these measures are something that would need to be rolled out as the expansion plans go forward. However, should we accept this at this time it could enable the airport to imply we have accepted this token gesture and they need do no more.
This is a question you might want to ask yourself. I understand why for Isleworth, Cranford, Longford, as this is happening around the the Bath Road and the North runway. Could it impact on us? Could it damage our campaign for real 'world-beating' compensation they say they will deliver? Could it save Heathrow a considerable amount of money - And could it put an end to our campaign?? - Absolutely!
The wealth of evidence that will come into the public domain on just how much Stanwell Moor, more that any other community within the Hearthrow perimeter 'is impacted' by Heathrow Airport has been hidden in plain sight for decades.
This along with undeniable proof that we will now be affected by 'new noise' by this taxiway and by what is to come as this airport expands. I will continue to fight for our legitimate right to be included inside the WPOZ will finally WIN the day for us but we all need to be together on this.
This is a community campaign and we all need to be on the same page. - Stick together and WE WIN TOGETHER!