Read about the Stanwell Moor Community Campaign to ensure that Heathrow delivers on its promise of 'world-beating' compensation and reduced blight, and our village inclusion into Heathrow's Wider Property Offer Zone [WPOZ].
Thank You, for supporting the campaign to secure WPOZ compensation for our village. Please copy this link to our community website and ask your friends, neighbours and other residents who live on Stanwell Moor to register. If you can put it on your social media, as every signature from (everyone in the household) is important.
Together we WILL WIN THIS!
Best regards, Jim.
Hundreds pack the Village Hall to hear Jim speak about compensation from Heathrow Airport due to historic airport blight and the impact of expansion.
Together we are holding Heathrow Airport to account, letting them know it's time to be a good neighbour and compensate us for decades of aircraft noise and pollution.
The residents of Stanwell Moor are "UNITED" in their quest to ensure those who wish to leave are WPOZ compensated and those who choose to remain, or decide to move away from the area in the future have the same option.
For the community going forward: - We demand, less pollution, insulation schemes, better community facilities, services and connectivity to and from the airport. - To make our village a better place to live for everyone who lives here.
Over 98% of Stanwell Moor residents agree after decades of airport blight, aircraft noise and aircraft pollution that Heathrow Airport must compensate home owners in the most airport blighted village.
Spelthorne Borough Council, plus our Westminster MP and other influential stakeholders support us.
So add your name to our list of residents demanding parity with other villages within the Heathrow perimeter. Communities who have already been compensated and those who will be compensated should the airport expand.
Support Stanwell Moor's WPOZ inclusion and for a better Stanwell Moor.
Just some of the many comments that have come in and every one is appreciated
"Jim put in his money and did all the work. Ask yourself (Who would have thought of this?) - He created something we are all part of and now needs your support."
"Heathrow needs to pay for ruining this village. We should have had compensation for living under the southern runway decades ago!"
"The Village has changed and not for the better. Heathrow has let us all down and Jim is taking them on in his own to help this village. I'm proud of him!"