STANWELL MOOR FUTURE FACTS: - More Noise, equals New Noise.
We will experience more aircraft landing over our village to the Northern Runway and hundreds more new flights taking-off over our village from the Southern Runway.
Traffic chaos is inevitable with thousands of HGV movements on our local roads.
The redirection of the M25. - A massive 24/7, 365 days per year building site in the heart of our village. - A large commercial truck compound. - A 6-lane-elevated-motorway metres from our nearest homes. A reed-bed facility to treat contaminated run-off water from Heathow airport will be built in our village. A large filling station relocated to our land. - A 25,000 space, nine-story car park, the largest car park in Europe on the corner of our village Stanwell Moor Road which will gridlock our local roads.
"STANWELL MOOR will quite simply become UNLIVEABLE"
So we are asking for Heathrow to do the right thing and set the ball in motion.
Deliver the compensation to allow residents in Stanwell Moor who wish to move away NOW and similarly extend that offer to residents who might want to move away in the future!