Third runway (RIP) Stanwell Moor

WILL THE AIRPORT EXPANSION GO AHEAD? - There is now no doubt in the minds of many that the expansion at Heathrow must and will go ahead. This new government has stated it has no objections.

Outside of a further impact on our health and wellbeing this expansion will simply devastate our community and our quality of life. - For the village and the people who have suffered so much (for decades) due to being directly under the Southern Runway the expansion will mean Stanwell Moor will be surrounded by Heathrow development projects.

Unnaceptable noise and pollution

With flights increased 10-FOLD going from 36 to over 300 aircraft (per day) landing  over our village as well as more flights taking off from the Southern Runway there can be no question that Stanwell Moor residents MUST have WPOZ security!

However at the time of writing (that is not the case), so I must continue to argue for Stanwell Moor residents to ensure that HAL understand the commitment they must make to their nearest neighbours.

THIS IS THE NUMBER 1 REASON: - With thousands of aircraft taking-off and landing over our community why Heathrow Airport needs to fully-compensate Stanwell Moor Village and why Heathrow Airport Ltd should be duty-bound to buy village properties to allow residents to find an affordable 'new home' away from the area and ensure should others choose to leave in the future that they would have the same option.

Welcome to a 30-year Building Site

This construction site could see over 1,000 additional vehicle movements (HGVs, LDVs and construction workers (per day) through Stanwell Moor village along the length of Horton Road (accessing from J14 and from Stanwell Moor Road) due to airport expansion which would continue throughout the construction period.

This building site in the (heart of Stanwell Moor village) will cause unacceptable nuisance and health impacts from a 24/7 operation 365 days for many years. Community impacts would result from deliveries, vehicles accessing/departing the site, materials collections from construction supporting sites in the Borough and potentially temporary worker accommodation.

The previous Stanwell Moor consultation brochure is the only place where any detail is provided on the level of construction vehicle movements. The plans indicate over 1,000 additional vehicle movements per day between The Anchor and the Village Hall as construction vehicles access the Construction Supporting Site CS11 from both J14 and Stanwell Moor Road.

THIS IS THE NUMBER 2 REASON: - Why Heathrow Airport would have by this time granted WPOZ STATUS to the village to allow residents to find an affordable new home away from the area and ensure should others choose to leave in the future they would have the same option.

No Public Access Reed Bed facility

Investigating a loss of 24 hectares of Hithermoor Green Belt to a surface water treatment facility is of significant concern.

Surface water treatment at Hithermoor is being sold to residents in the Stanwell Moor consultation brochure as ‘green space’ around the villages to increase publicly accessible open space.

In other documents it is portrayed as compensation for loss of other green areas in the community. - The reality is that the site will be an artificial engineered environment, with not just reed beds but large areas of hardstanding for the compound and forebay areas. It would have a 2m high bund and security fence and there would be no public access

Furthermore, the whole site is likely to meet the definition of a large raised reservoir under the Reservoirs Act 1975 (as amended by the Flood and Water Management Act 2010).

CONCLUSION: This is not only a loss of green belt land, it is a loss of public access to the area. Associated with this, it would mean more Heathrow employees and Heathrow vehicles on our village roads adding more congestion and airport-related blight.

Elevated motorway so close to homes

Full consideration needs to be given to the location of new roadworks this multi-lane appears on Stanwell Moor land. Additionally the petrol filling station on Stanwell Moor Road is to be relocated in the Stanwell Moor area and access/egress need to be considered. Road alignments need to be amended to move Airport Way and the Southern Perimeter Road further away from Stanwell Moor.

By moving the Airport Way and the Southern Perimeter Road further south and increasing capacity to three  lanes in each direction, there will be greater impact on our communities in Stanwell Moor due to increased noise and air pollution

The current proposals would result in enlarged roads closer to local communities and in the case of Airport Way we are talking about a six-lane elevated motorway within metres of the nearest homes in Stanwell Moor.

Southern parkway for 25,000 cars

Heathrow key messages are all positive about this mega-carpark but make little mention of its adverse impacts. The airport talks about mitigation rather than residents concerns for the future. People are being asked what they think of the design of the Southern Parkway rather than if they actually want a giant carpark on their doorstep.

The online consultation does not for instance say what you think about 1,400 HGV movements per day. What do you think of 14,000 constructions workers travelling to the airport, many of which will be travelling through your village?

It does not talk about the noise and disruption from the construction, nor does it talk about the congestion as a result of the moving of the M25, the A4 and the Southern Perimeter Road.

Spelthorne Council has raised serious concerns about non-compliance with the ANPS and the Planning Act 2008. Mentioning the revised ANPS has a number of relevant paragraphs. 5.252 states: ‘communities will wish to participate fully in the development and delivery of expansion, and the Government expects them to be able to do so’. 5.242 states: ‘People are entitled to know what steps will be taken to help protect them……where appropriate help them move house'

Spelthorne Council has stated its firm view is that Heathrow cannot claim it has complied with the MHCLG guidance, and its consultation is defective and non-compliant with the requirements of the Planning Act 2008.

Heathrow's impact on home prices

Due to its position on Heathrow's flight path, property prices are (significantly lower) than Surrey's average of £629,125, according to RightMove.

Stanwell Moor village is a mix of detached, semi-detached, terraces and flats. The majority of semi-detached properties sold in Stanwell Moor during the last year sold for an average price of £453,600. Detached properties sold for an average of £576,625, Terraced properties fetching £431,250. Sales of flats in Stanwell Moor have an overall average sold price of £275,000 over the last year.

House prices in Stanwell Moor have an overall average of £469,607 over the last year. £159,518 or approximately 25% lower than the Surrey average home price.

Overall, the historical sold prices for detached properties in Stanwell Moor over the last year were 13% up on the previous year and 15% down on the 2017 peak of £680,000.

DESPAIR: - That house prices will decrease even more and the village is FINISHED!

Spout Lane, Hillingdon or Spelthorne?

Doubly irony is that our small village is (divided) as families who consider themselves Stanwell Moor residents live in (Spout Lane) part of which is Hillingdon Council and residents there will be compensated while the rest of the village comes under Spelthorne Council and at this stage is NOT.

The compensation of being included within the WPOZ, or an agreement that residents will be able to sell their homes to Heathrow and move away from the area and for those who stay the assurance that they too at some point in the future they can sell their property to Heathrow at a minimum of 25% over market value.


The Heathrow expansion IRONY!

Our residents have long-since accepted at some point our village would become a new terminal, a logistics facility, or a warehouse support area especally as Heathrow expands it will lead to it losing various existing logistics areas. That's what you ultimately expect if an international airport is to grow and you live under a flightpath.


We understand our village will be further airport-blighted by a Heathrow Development Building Site that will be operational 24/7, 365 days a year for potentially the next 30-YEARS.

We understand that our village will be surrounded by Heathrow development projects for decades to come.

THE IRONY IS: - That Stanwell Moor residents understand Heathrow Airport for the sake of the UK economy must expand, but not at any cost.

While, there is no doubt that Stanwell Moor residents have suffered so-much-for-much-too-long, this 'new blight' will be too much for some residents want to leave while others will choose to stay but may leave in the future.

Heathrow Airport now needs to rectify the mistakes of the past. Buy the properties of those who want to leave and grant Stanwell Moor the world-beating compensation it openly boasts about and has afforded much less blighted areas. - WPOZ status for Stanwell Moor.


CLICK HERE - To check what Jim told Heathrow Directors.  - On our Heathrow Page!!

Our conclusion

STANWELL MOOR FUTURE FACTS: - More Noise, equals New Noise.

We will experience more aircraft landing over our village to the Northern Runway and hundreds more new flights taking-off over our village from the Southern Runway.

Traffic chaos is inevitable with thousands of HGV movements on our local roads.

The redirection of the M25. - A massive 24/7, 365 days per year building site in the heart of our village. - A large commercial truck compound. - A 6-lane-elevated-motorway metres from our nearest homes. A reed-bed facility to treat contaminated run-off water from Heathow airport will be built in our village. A large filling station relocated to our land. - A 25,000 space, nine-story car park, the largest car park in Europe on the corner of our village Stanwell Moor Road which will gridlock our local roads.

"STANWELL MOOR will quite simply become UNLIVEABLE"

So we are asking for Heathrow to do the right thing and set the ball in motion.

Deliver the compensation to allow residents in Stanwell Moor who wish to move away NOW and similarly extend that offer to residents who might want to move away in the future!

Copyright © WPOZ for Stanwell Moor 2018-2024

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Please "DO NOT BE FOOLED" by Heathrow Airport insulation Offers. - This could UNDERMINE our CAMPAIGN to ensure STANWELL MOOR is "INCLUDED" in the WPOZ!!