The WPOZ compensation campaign was launched in 2018 to lobby HEATHROW for the inclusion of Stanwell Moor into the Wider Property Offer Zone. After decades of aircraft noise, aircraft pollution, the impact upon our lives, our health and now how our property values will be reduced by the airport expansion. There can be no question that Stanwell Moor residents MUST have the security of WPOZ!
“It’s simply inconceivable that Stanwell Moor is not included in the WPOZ, when villages not affected by the airport are compensated. - That is why I began this campaign”
I officially founded the Stanwell Moor WPOZ Campaign when I lodged campaign with Sir Jeremy Sullivan, appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport to oversee the Airport National Policy Statement to ensure best practice is upheld on the 14th November 2017. - This had to be done before the 19th of December, or Heathrow Airport would never have had to speak to us!
I also lodged with the Department of Transport and informed The Right Honourable Chris Grayling, Minister and Secretary of State for Transport. This meant the campaign now was officially recognised by the Government.
The campaign appeared Front-Page and continues to be front-page on all the local and regional newspapers. - Due to the campaigns public profile and continued success Heathrow began to work closely with us and after 40-years of ignoring us.
Heathrow Airports CEO, John Holland-Kaye wrote to the founder on the 27th July 2018 conceding a strong campaign is being fought and a strong case for extending the boundary of the Wider Property Offer Zone (WPOZ) has been set out, which has forced Heathrow Airport Ltd to seriously and actively consider a WPOZ extension to include the village of Stanwell Moor.
Kwasi Kwarteng our former MP is a strong supporter.
*Spelthorne Council also got behind the WPOZ campaign and issued a demand to Heathrow that they would change their support for the airports expansion if Stanwell Moor was not included within the Wider Property Offer Zone.
A day in the life of the people of Stanwell Moor: - This once pleasant village is the most blighted community within the Heathrow perimeter and the Airport blights the lives of everyone who lives here daily. For 40-years we have lived directly under the Southern Runway yet Heathrow Airport Limited has never compensated us.
However they are now compensating people who live in other villages who have never been affected. WHY? - Because they want to build a new runway.
Well guess what Heathrow. We need to be compensated too. - Thanks Andy!
With approximately 520 homes in the village, 618 residents wrote letters to Heathrow's CEO John Holland-Kaye which were delivered by a team of representatives to the Compass Centre. Demanding compensation for those who wanted to leave the village and better facilities, less noise, less pollution, better services for those who may wish to stay!
“It’s simply inconceivable that Stanwell Moor is not included in the WPOZ, when villages not affected by the airport are compensated. - Jim McIlroy, Founder Stanwell Moor WPOZ”
At a rally a few years ago over five hundred people stopped all traffic in the village and walked with me to take over a Heathrow planned event in our village hall to sell the idea that the airport was a 'good neighbour' with our best interests at heart.
The people decided after decades of airport blight that the security of inclusion for Stanwell Moor into the WPOZ was the (minimum) they expect.
HAL were told in no uncertain terms that lies and corporate deceit would no longer be tolerated and their unwillingness to compensate the people of Stanwell Moor who are not only the airports nearest neighbour but the most negatively impacted village within the Heathrow perimeter is a thing of the past.
Historical and weak representation allowed this SCANDAL TO CONTINUE and Heathrow Airport took full advantage of it. We now have stronger representatives and HAL must acknowledge that while Stanwell Moor should have been compensated decades ago that it will now be included the village in the WPOZ scheme.