Due to its position on Heathrow's flight path, property prices are (significantly lower) than Surrey's average of £629,125, according to RightMove.
Stanwell Moor village is a mix of detached, semi-detached, terraces and flats. The majority of semi-detached properties sold in Stanwell Moor during the last year sold for an average price of £453,600. Detached properties sold for an average of £576,625, Terraced properties fetching £431,250. Sales of flats in Stanwell Moor have an overall average sold price of £275,000 over the last year.
House prices in Stanwell Moor have an overall average of £469,607 over the last year. £159,518 or (approximately 25% lower) than the Surrey average home price.
Overall, the historical sold prices for detached properties in Stanwell Moor over the last year were 13% up on the previous year and 15% down on the 2017 peak of £680,000.
DESPAIR: - That house prices will decrease even more and the village is FINISHED!